Peer Support
Survivor facilitated support is open to all women at all stages of breast cancer: before treatment, during treatment and/or several years beyond diagnosis.
The peer support facilitators are breast cancer survivors, who volunteer their time to allow women who have been affected by the breast cancer journey to talk about their personal situations and concerns.
Members of BCAK do not give medical advice
Provide support and understanding in a safe and non judgement manner
Share resources , associated within BCAK and the south eastern region of Ontario
The Breast Cancer peer support meeting is held the last Monday of every month in person or by Zoom from 5:30pm to 7pm.
These meetings will be led by trained survivors and EVERYONE is welcome. No registration is required. Meetings are held both in person and virtually to accommodate health risks factors, travel and scheduling barriers. These meetings provide the opportunity for you to listen to or discuss anything about breast cancer in a supportive environment with others who are on or have had their own breast cancer journey.
One to One Peer Support
If you would like to talk on a one to one basis, BCAK has peer support survivors who will be their to listen to you. The peer support coordinator will match you with a peer support survivor who has had a similar breast cancer experience.
We want you to know that you are not alone and we are here for support.
Just contact the BCAK office at 650 Dalton Ave, Unit 110 Kingston or 1-613-531-7912.