BCAK Board of Directors & Staff

Audrey Harvey
Hello, my name is Audrey Harvey and I am a 7-year Breast Cancer Survivor. My life experiences have been been broadened with the good fortune to live in different places in Canada and overseas both professionally and personally. Since joining BCAK, I have had the opportunity to serve on the BCAK Executive and the BCAK Chestmates Executive. This has afforded me the opportunity to gain first hand knowledge of our programs. I found a community when I was diagnosed with breast cancer... I do believe it takes a village of women to help another woman facing this dreadful disease. I am committed to continuing to support BCAK and its membership by supporting our mission statement.

Tamara Stone
I am a 10 year Breast Cancer Survivor and am thrilled and honoured to remain a part of BCAK! I retired as the Director of Strategic Innovation and Modernization Branch within the Youth Justice Services Division of the Ontario Public Service after 35 years. Since moving to Greater Napanee, I joined the BCAK board and was a part of the Share the Care Golf Tournament committee, creating new media and modernizing products, and I have been working on securing grants and additional revenue with Maggie Daicar. Being a part of BCAK is so important to me, and I know that together, we will continue to do amazing things for those impacted by Breast Cancer.

Adele Arsenault
Hello, my name is Adele Arsenault, and I am a two-year breast cancer survivor, and I found BCAK after my treatment as I was looking for an organization to give back to. I was fortunate to have support during my treatment from family and friends who had been through breast cancer, and I knew how much harder it would have been without the support. The first year I helped at the Share the Care Golf Tournament and then the Plant Sale. Recently I have joined Peer Support and have been elected as the Treasurer. I worked in the Financial Services industry for 36 years and I am currently the treasurer on another smaller not for profit. My previous career, my attention to detail, and my knack for numbers make the role of treasurer a good way for me to give back. I look forward to meeting more BCAK members!

Janet Grace
I am not a survivor or thriver. but feel that breast cancer is everyone's concern and we should be making sure that all women, young and old, are well informed about this disease and have access to the programs that BCAK offers and supports. I have been a Real Estate Broker for over 20 years and am thankful every day for having a career that introduces me to such a wonderful variety of people. Among the acquaintances and friends that I have developed through my business over the years, there are many who are Breast Cancer Survivors and, as a friend, I have been involved in their story. As a long time supporter and sponsor of the BCAK Golf Tournament, I am happy to have this opportunity to sit on the BCAK Board of Directors and offer whatever support I can do this wonderful organization.

Board Director
Maggie Daicar
My real name is Margaret (Daicar) but most people know me as Maggie. I have been on the board of BCAK for 3 years. I got breast cancer 3 1/2 years ago when I was 81. It came out of the blue and blindsided me. At the time I did not know anyone with breast cancer and felt very scared and alone until I discovered Breast Cancer Action Kingston and joined Chestmates, our dragon boat team. Through my involvement with BCAK, I have made many wonderful friends, and I also have met women whose stories have inspired me to work as hard as I can for the betterment of our members. I am a retired nurse, mother and grandmother, and have lived in Kingston since I stepped off the ship from England in 1963. I am passionate about BCAK as a force for good in the lives of people with breast cancer.

Board Director
Diana Lindsay
Hello everyone. My name is Diana Lindsay. I am a retired Registered Nurse, a breast cancer Survivor of 21 years, and a proud member of the Chestmates Breast Cancer Survivor DRAGON BOAT team! I'm happy to join the Board as the primary lead for the Bingo fundraising initiative. I'm looking forward to working with these fabulous, energetic people to raise money for BCAK and the Chestmates France initiative.

Board Director
Stephanie Turner
I am a breast cancer Survivor of 7 years. I learned about BCAK when I received my puffy pillow package after having a mastectomy. I was so appreciative of the pillow and drain holder that I had received that I wanted to express my thanks and be part of such a wonderful program. I am now a proud member of the postoperative pillow team, now called the post surgical and treatment team. It's an honour to be part of an amazing group, to be able to give some comfort and hope to others going through their journey and to be a part of such a wonderful organization.

Board Director
Lucille Davies
I am a two-time breast cancer survivor, first in 2011 and again in 2012, just after retiring from a delightful career teaching science to fabulous teenage students.
I grew up in Hong Kong where dragon boating is an annual festival, but I had never envisioned myself paddling in one - in Canada, as a breast cancer survivor! I joined the Chestmates dragon boat team in 2023, an invigorating experience of friendship, focus, and fitness. Dragon boating has changed my outlook from ‘aging gracefully’ to ‘I can do anything, almost!’
I am also a member of the BCAK team who sews ‘puffy pillows’ for post-operative patients. I am deeply appreciative of the tremendous support from BCAK and our donors for Chestmates and for all the other innovative programs. It is empowering to know that ‘No one is alone on their cancer journey’. I am honoured to join the BCAK Board as Chestmates Liaison.

Board Director
Rosemarie Thorne
Hi everyone. My name is Rosemarie Thorne and l've lived in this area forever. I love family, friends, and meeting new people! Gardening, art, and great reads can be close 2nds at times. At 62, one month out from retirement, l was diagnosed with late stage ovarian cancer. Although l’m not a breast cancer thriver, l am a 7 year ovarian cancer thriver. I co-host the “The Ovation Circle” a small Ovarian Cancer Support Group that meets once a month. I also am very involved in The Walk of Hope and belong to QCRI- PEN (Queen’s Cancer Research Institute - Patient Engaged Network). I’ve become involved with BCAK and the Board because I believe women supporting women increases life quality and expediency of both receiver and giver of this dynamic. How could it not? The comradeship, caring, and shared concerns, brings a sense of well-being and community. As a member of the Board, l'm happy to fill the lead role of “Staying Connected”, a wonderful program that brings members together to enjoy shared interests and activities.

Board Director
Carol Brophy
Hello my name is Carol Brophy. I am a 2-year breast cancer survivor. I heard about BCAK from the Kingston Cancer Centre. In April, I attended a program called “Staying Connected” and to my delight I met women who were kind and inviting and shared the many activities and programs that BCAK provides. In May I joined the dragon boat team Chestmates and had the most incredible summer learning to paddle with determined, strong women who were moving in the same direction of healing with courage and hope. I was not alone anymore. In my career I have been afforded opportunities to work in non profit agencies, Health Care and Long-Term Care, I am a retired grief counsellor and interfaith end of life care chaplain. I have lived in Brockville for 36 years where I raised my family and now am a wild and fun-loving Nana to my 5 grandchildren. I look forward to being a supportive member and learning more about BCAK and its mission to increase awareness of breast cancer.

Board Director
Heather White
Hello I am Heather White and honored to serve as the Research Health Lead on the BCAK Board of Directors. As a one-year breast cancer survivor and a member of the Chestmates Dragon Boat Team, I am deeply committed to advancing the well-being of individuals and families affected by breast cancer. Professionally, I am a PhD-trained epidemiologist working at Providence Care, Kingston where I focus on enhancing clinical services and delivering high-quality, safe care for individuals and families in our facilities. I maintain an active research and mentorship agenda, holding academic appointments at Queen’s University in the Department of Public Health Sciences and the School of Medicine. Beyond work, I am the proud parent of two school-aged boys, who often join me in volunteering at BCAK events and activities!

Beverly Martin
I have had the pleasure of being BCAK Office Coordinator for the past 15 years. I must admit, it has been the most rewarding job I have had over the many years. It is so nice to know that BCAK can help people financially, physically, and also give peer support with our many programs we have to offer to those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Being the first one to meet the client, be it by phone or visit to our office, I try to make sure they never feel alone. I'm not sure I can call what I do at BCAK a job, especially if you enjoy it as much as I do!
Team Contacts
Bev Martin & Maya Tempeny office@bcakingston.ca
Tamara Stone & Audrey Harvey president@bcakingston.ca